Ant Pest Control

Pest In City® is a well-established Pest Control Services Company that provides a hygienic and safe Ant pest control in Delhi NCR, at an affordable price, so that all of our customers can get the benefits. Ants are small insects typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for its industriousness. There are over 12,000 known ant species in the world.

Invasive Ant Species:-

  • There are many ant species that are in areas of the world even they did not originate there. These are invasive ant species, and they cause a threat to natural biodiversity.
  • Prime examples of invasive ant species can be seen above. Select one to find out more.
  • The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis Invicta or RIFA) originated in South America, via shipping crates it has penetrated the US, Australia, Taiwan, Philippines, and southern China causing mayhem where ever it goes.
  • One way we have chosen to control the invasive fire ants is through biocontrol.

Bites and sting:-

  • Many ant species have the ability to bite and sting humans, although rarely deadly, this can become increasingly annoying especially for young children.
  • Ant poison or venom is made in the poison glands located in the pastor. The poison is also known to be used by ants for pheromone communication.
  • The Maricopa harvester ant has the record for the most venomous insect in the world.
  • Bullet ants have the world record for the most painful insect sting. Pain is measured on the Schmidt Pain index.

Ants Attraction to Electricity can cause Short Circuits:-

  • It has been reported that a few species of ant such as the red imported fire ant and the Asian super ants naturally gather where there are electrical currents flowing, this can cause fire risks and blackouts as they short circuit electrical appliances.
  • Their compulsion to follow electricity appears to be stronger than their need for food or water!
  • To learn about the ways in which we have chosen to control the invasive fire ants see biocontrol.

Ants and their Impact on Vegetation:-

  • Ants are responsible for destroying more vegetation than any other group of animals. As a result of this, they cost the crop industry more than one billion dollars each year.
  • Leafcutter and harvester ant colonies are a serious concern for agricultural farmers. Leaf cutters are known to be able to strip an entire citrus tree of its leaves in under 24 hours!
  • A selection of ant species has a symbiotic relationship with sap-feeding insects by farming honeydew from them. As the sap-feeding insects are protected by the ants, they can grow numerous and fast. This can lead to serious damage to crops.
  • Despite these negative impacts on vegetation, ants play an important role in many plant lifecycles. Ants turn and aerate the soil in which the plants grow, and some ants are known to help disperse plant seeds, also known as myrmecochory.
Pest In City® Professional in All Pest Control Services, Call Today on +91-8882125040 to Get Connected with Our Experts in Delhi NCR.

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